Thursday, December 20, 2018

Resize images in Azure Blob

Image Optimization 

The loading speed of a web page is based on the size of all the components required to render the page including images, HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. By optimizing the images with compression and resizing, we can offset the effects of very large images and increase the performance. Image rendition in SharePoint is a capability which helps to optimize images in a site by having the same image but in different sizes. This will enhance the user experience as well when browsing the site from different devices.

There are scenarios we can use Azure blob storage to store images and retrieve them from there. In such a situation, the developers have to implement a custom solution to handle the image rendition for Azure images.

Options to implement an Image Resizer

1. Using Nuget package

A Nuget package is available called ‘Image Resizer’, which is an open source ASP.NET library that handles the image processing dynamically. Based on the parameters defined in the URL, it will handle the image transformation and provide the resized version of the image in run time.

For example:  If the image source url is defined as <ImageUrl>? width=108&height=70, this will return the resized image for given dimensions.

Steps to follow:
     1. Create an Asp.Net web application and install all the NuGet packages for Image Resizer and Azure plugins.
            2. Configure the application to connect to Blob storage as an image processing platform.
            3. Create a new Azure Web App to deploy the solution.
            4. Publish the application to Azure Web App.

       2. Azure Blob Trigger Function

     Create an Azure Blob Trigger Function/Web job which will be executed whenever a new image is added to the blob storage and handle the resizing of the image in the background. The result image with the reduced size can be saved to a different container with the same name.

There are some extensions available for Asp.Net and Azure:

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

How to design SharePoint Taxonomy

In general, SharePoint taxonomy refers to a catalog of objects in SharePoint environment or the process of categorizing or classifying objects based on a taxonomic scheme. The ultimate goal of the taxonomy development process is to obtain a comprehensive schema that logically organizes the related objects in a hierarchical structure across a SharePoint implementation.

There are two ways to design and roll out a taxonomy for an organization.




The obvious way to implement and take advantage of structured taxonomy would be to implement a company-wide taxonomy from day one. This requires that we develop metadata and content types plan across the whole organization before start using the taxonomy. While great in theory, this is very challenging in practice. Development of company-wide taxonomy requires company-wide participation. That means that all departments need to be involved in the development of company metadata and content type strategy. The challenge with this approach is quite obvious. Getting everyone together is a challenge by itself. Moreover, the whole concept of metadata and content types is almost always new to most in early stages of SharePoint implementation. So asking departments to categorize their content, develop metadata tags and content types might seem like learning Greek to many.


he other way to develop company taxonomy in SharePoint is to use bottom-up approach. Essentially what that means is that we develop your taxonomy as we develop your sites and migrate content to SharePoint. As we develop the sites and document libraries, we can create metadata. Some metadata will be local or department specific (i.e. HR document types), while some will be company-wide/global (i.e. Department Names). Both might end up in the Term Store and will be the first steps to company taxonomy. As we continue to roll out other sites (say Finance, IT or project sites), we might take advantage of the company-wide/global metadata already created previously. And so on. At the end of the day, we will end up with your company-specific taxonomy that can be used and reused by various departments and types of sites.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

All about SharePoint Online Content Type Hub

What is SharePoint Online Content Type hub?

A Centralized location, a site collection where we can create all the site columns and Content Types so that these Content Types can be used across all other site collections. Content type hub in SharePoint Online is already created and fully functional. Every SharePoint Online tenant has a content type hub pre-built, we just need to use it. It is actually hidden through Admin Center and can be accessed with the generic URL:

The content type syndication hub feature is already activated under this site collection. 

Publish a content type
On a content type hub that publishes content types to other site collections, we can publish, republish, or unpublish content types centrally.
After a new content type is created under content type hub, Publish option is there on the settings page to make the content type available to use for other site collections. 
Next, it is required to go to the Site Collection Administration on the Site Collection where we wish to use the new Content Type (Site Settings > [Site Collection Administration] Content Type Publishing), and enable the checkbox to “Refresh all published content types on next update”. 
This will update all published Content Types the next time the Content Type Subscriber timer job runs.  After the update, this Site Collection is subscribed to the new content type and it will be listed under the list of site content types.
Content Type Hub - Pros & Cons
1. create, configure, and maintain your custom content types within one central location. 
2. Re-usability
1. The timer job runs once every hour and we have no idea when it happens. 
2. Unnecessary content types deployed to all the site collections, creates confusion for SharePoint site owners.
2. Synchronization issues. Ex:  When a content type is retracted from the hub and deleted it, the content type is still being deployed to newly created site collections. 
4. The recommendation from Microsoft for the limit of Content types in the hub is a very less 

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Best Practices for Document Management in SharePoint

When it comes to organizing documents – there are definitely lots of options that exist – it all depends on your particular business need. However, I would like to share what I think are the top five best practices that would be true for any scenario or SharePoint document library. I expect my audience to have Administrative privileges to the site to take advantage of most of the items below. So here it goes:


Having folders is not a good idea when it comes to document management in SharePoint.


Go one step further and take advantage of Content Type functionality. It allows you to set dynamic properties/meta tags depending on the document you upload (i.e. if you are uploading Meeting Minutes from last project meeting – you might want to tag them differently comparing to, say, PowerPoint presentation you received from last week’s vendor presentation.


Alerts can be configured at a library and document level and will notify the user if files in the library have been deleted or changed by someone else. Alert can be setup by any user, even those without admin rights.


Versioning and document check-in is cool, but do you really need it? Yes, versioning allows you to restore previous versions of the document and check-out feature prevents from accidentally modifying same doc by 2 people at same time, but does Business actually need it? The features demand strict adherence and discipline (i.e. same file names) within organization. Unless you are using document repository as records management tool, you might want to think twice about this. If all your users need is some place to store files, you can easily get away from additional frustration.


Once you setup your Meta tags, you can do wonders with views! Create all sorts of views (make sure to make them public) and use filter/sort/group function to display what you want. Views can also help manage space on a page. If you have lots of lists and libraries on a page and want to fit it all, make sure to use “simplified’ view with just few columns to capture “important” data. Users can then use rest of views to display other pieces of information.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

SharePoint : Error - Custom Field Type has not been installed properly

Some days ago, while I was deploying a release package to the UAT server, I had to face a strange issue. There was a release step in the release note to execute a PowerShell script after installing the solution, in order to update some of the metadata fields in a Document Library. 

There is a field within the document library columns which has been created using a custom field type, which is deployed through a farm solution. The given farm solution had web application scoped resources therefore it was deployed only to the Web Front End server and not globally deployed. 

Now the issue was, when executing the PowerShell script to update some metadata in the document library items, the values already existent in the above custom field had got emptied although this field was not touched through the script. 

After digging into the problem, I found that the root cause for this problem was because I was executed the script within the Application server. The farm solution had only installed the definition of the custom field type to the WFE server. This can happen to the feature definitions as well. Therefore, when retrieving the list item object through PowerShell code, the value of the custom field was not included. That's because the field type cannot be retrieved when trying to access it from the APPs server. As the list item object does not include this custom field property, it had emptied while updating list item back. 
Finally, I changed the server and ran the script in the WFE server and everything worked properly. 
Therefore, as a best practice and also as recommended, we have to keep in mind to execute these kind of PowerShell scripts inside the WFE server when the multi server architecture is used.


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Folders in SharePoint - is it a bad idea?

Following are some compelling reasons on why folders in SharePoint should be avoided. The list is geared more towards end-users and folder proponents and could be used as a business case on why document library should be setup using meta-data. So here it goes:


Nested folder structure is only known to the person who created it. Also, too many sub-folders tend to “hide” things.


SharePoint adds all folder and sub-folder names to URL. Overall URL length is limited to around 260 characters. You are out of luck if you create too many sub-folders.


Moving file from one folder to another means change of file URL.


Maintaining Security by folders in SharePoint is an administrative nightmare. 


User Experience (navigation, finding the documents) just stinks with folders


With folders you can deposit multiple copies of same file into different locations – not a good thing when you try to organize documents and data in the first place!


There is another reason NOT to user folders. With folders, you get one view: the folder view. Using metadata, you can create unlimited number of views by whatever properties you have setup (i.e. organize documents by date, by customer, by project, etc.) So the document browsing experience is much better-off.


Since your files are buried in the folders, you can’t really benefit from sorting and filtering capabilities of document library headers (unless of course you are just sorting and filtering in the particular folder).


It’s hard to change folder structure, while changing metadata is easy.


You can “lose” documents when placed in the wrong folder. Additionally, Also, too many sub-folders tend to hide things, making it impossible or too time-consuming for users to find a particular document.


When you are in a particular sub-folder, there is no way to tell in which folder you are at any given time, and no easy way to navigate to the parent folder (there is no breadcrumb on folder navigation menu available)

12. COST

If you are essentially recreating nested folders you had on file share, by using SharePoint, you have got yourself one expensive file share.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

SharePoint: Error : Workflow definition Id is undefined (returns 0)

Sometime back we developed a SharePoint 2013 Visual Studio Workflow to one of our clients. The workflow association to a document library was also implemented in the code inside a feature activation. Recently, I was deploying this solution to a new site collection in my development environment and I got an exception while activating the workflow association feature. 

The issue was because the workflow definition id returns 0 when retrieving the workflow definitions deployed to the site.

WorkflowServicesManager workflowServicesManager = new WorkflowServicesManager(currentWeb);
WorkflowDeploymentService workflowDeploymentService =                            workflowServicesManager.GetWorkflowDeploymentService();

 WorkflowDefinitionCollection workflowDefinitions = workflowDeploymentService.EnumerateDefinitions(true);

foreach (WorkflowDefinition workflowDefinition in workflowDefinitions)
                if (workflowDefinition.DisplayName.Equals("Document Workflow"))
                    WorkflowSubscription workflowSubscription = new WorkflowSubscription();
                    workflowSubscription.DefinitionId = workflowDefinition.Id;
                    workflowSubscription.Enabled = true;
                    workflowSubscription.EventSourceId = documentLibraryList.ID;
                    workflowSubscription.Name = workflowDefinition.DisplayName;

                    workflowSubscription.EventTypes = eventTypes;

WorkflowSubscriptionService workflowSubscriptionService = workflowServicesManager.GetWorkflowSubscriptionService();

  if (workflowSubscriptionService.EnumerateSubscriptionsByList(documentLibraryList.ID).Count == 0)
        workflowSubscriptionService.PublishSubscriptionForList(workflowSubscription, documentLibraryList.ID);


As the workflow definition Id is not defined, the workflow subscription Id is also becomes undefined. Therefore, the exception was thrown when trying to publish the subscription without a definition id, to the list.

Following are the steps followed to resolve this issue.

  • Activate the Workflow Task Content Type site feature if not already activated.
  • Activate the “Workflow service store” hidden feature. 

            In the SharePoint 2013 Management shell, run  the command, 
          Enable-SPFeature -Identity "workflowservicestore" -url "<sub site url>"

  • Make sure the Service Bus Gateway, Service Bus Message Broker and also Workflow Manager Backend services are up and running in the WFE server. Also, all these services should be logged on using the same service account.  Restart the services. 
  • Go to IIS Manager and check whether the Workflow Management Pool is running under Application Pools using the same service account. Restart the application pool.
Now the issue should be gone away.